Published: August 31, 2023

FHEF Summer Edition Newsletter

Read our special summer 2023 edition of FH Europe Foundation's Heart Beat newsletter for the latest news and events:

  • FH Europe is now a Dutch Foundation
  • FH Awareness Day – People like Us campaign has kicked off!
  • Explore our advocacy efforts at the Science Summit at United Nations General Assembly (UNGA78)
  • The Annual Network meeting registration is now open! Secure your spot at the pre-meeting webinars on FH, HoFH, Lp(a) and FCS.
  • Elsie Evans shares her HoFH journey and transition from being a patient with a rare and severe form of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) to becoming a leader empowering an international community
  • FHchol Austria holds an online FCS patient meeting and advocates for FH screening
  • Bulgarian Patients Forum Federation leaders met with the newly appointed Bulgarian Health Minister
  • Croí Ireland´s Launch of Heart and Stroke Voice Ireland and Invisible Nation: Spotlight on Cholesterol
  • Anhet.f celebrating its 10th anniversary!
  • Global Heart Hub is the newest member of FH Europe Foundation Network and announced the launch of new patient-led research to bring attention to unhealthy cholesterol levels
  • World Heart Report highlights the need to invest in combatting cardiovascular disease
  • Research shows that 70% of patients with familial hypercholesterolemia don’t achieve LDL cholesterol targets
  • European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health (EACH) - The European Summit in Strasbourg
  • Get ready for the World Heart Day!
  • International Atherosclerosis Society (IAS) publishes guidance for familial hypercholesterolemia care
  • European Patients Forum (EPF) advocates for EU pharmaceutical legislation addressing unmet medical needs
  • EURORDIS survey on newborn screening for rare diseases – preliminary results are here!
  • Upcoming events you shouldn't miss

Read the Full Newsletter


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