Published: June 28, 2024

FHEF June 2024 Edition Newsletter

Explore the highlights from FH Europe's June 2024 Heart Beat newsletter to catch up on the latest news and events in the world of cardiovascular health:   

  • Cardiovascular Disease in Focus at High-level Conference in Hungary 
  • Invitation to join the HoFH Awareness Day Logo Competition 
  • FHEF Annual Network Meeting 2024 
  • PERFECTO project now live on Social Media 
  • FHEF represents the voice of patients and citizens on the Citizen Engagement Board at EP PerMed 
  • 9 Abstracts Submitted by FHEF Patient Ambassadors for the ISA 2024 in Oman 
  • FHEF at the EURORDIS Open Academy and ECRD 2024 
  • Austria’s FHChol’s Cooking Class for Families with HoFH, and reminders for FCS Online meeting and FH Symposium 
  • Ireland’s Croí launch of a mobile health unit 
  • UK’s Global Heart Hub partnership with Brazilian Instituto Lado a Lado pela Vida 
  • European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency (Enpr-EMA) 
  • Germany’s New Law Proposal – the Healthy Heart Act 
  • Greece’s EPIRUS-FH: Pioneering Reverse Cascade Screening for FH in Greek Youth 
  • Japan: death of Akira Endo, Father of Statins 
  • EAS – FHCS: Enhancing Identification of Familial Hypercholesterolemia in Electronic Health Records with AI and Update on the EAS Familial Hypercholesterolemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC) 
  • EURORDIS’ EU4Health: The Value of EU Action on Rare Diseases and the 2024 European Parliament Elections' Impact on Advocacy  
  • European Patients' Forum Calls on New MEPs to Prioritise Health in the EU Agenda 
  • LEEFH’s Novel Strategies to Improve Detection and Treatment of FH
  • World Heart Federation - WHF Advocating for Heart Health at WHA77 & World Heart Summit: A Gathering for Global Cardiovascular Health
  • New publication on Eight Reasons Why Lipoprotein(a) Should Be Measured At Least Once in a Lifetime
  • Treatment news for people living with FCS
  • Notable events you shouldn’t miss.
  • Important events you shouldn’t miss. 


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